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The HIV Education, Awareness, and Research Team (HEART) is a collaboration of faculty and students at the University of Central Florida who are dedicated to addressing the multiple and complex effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic locally and nationally. HEART exists to serve the community by:


  • …partnering with community organizations and stakeholders to address HIV/AIDS locally;


  • …providing educational opportunities focused on HIV and AIDS and their medical, mental health, and social effects on individuals and families;


  • …raising awareness about HIV prevention and treatment within the UCF community and in Central Florida; and


  • …seeking and acquiring external funding and conducting high-quality research that informs prevention methods and mental health interventions for individuals and families affected by HIV and AIDS.



Meet the Team!

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Dr. J. Richelle Joe

Twitter: @DrJRJoe

Associate Professor ~ Counselor Education


In recent years, Orlando has ranked among the top 10 cities for new HIV diagnoses. HEART began as a way to engage faculty and students at UCF around the physical, social, and mental health implications of HIV locally and nationally. As a faculty member HEART has been a way for me to integrate teaching, service, and research to address the HIV epidemic.


Dr. Melissa Zeligman

Associate Professor ~ Counselor Education


My first clinical position was at an agency for individuals living with HIV/AIDS, and it was some of the most meaningful work I have ever been part of. Those clients inspired so much of the research I do today (i.e., work around trauma and chronic illness). When I joined the faculty at UCF in 2019, I already knew of the amazing work being done with Dr. Joe and the HEART team, and couldn’t wait to be a part of it!

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